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Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Hello Everyone!

Been busy with loads of sch stuff, as usual. not much motivation to blog. Gosh, even this sentence sounds like it came from any other blog. Anw, did these 2 vids at the spur of the moment. Warning, it's purely for entertainment. =)

- Marvin

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

From Ngee Ann Poly @ Ourspace

Decided that I needed some inspiration and a fresh environment to write, so I head back to my alma mater to chill.  =)  Anyway, I filled up a new playlist that i labelled "Now".  every song actually has some pretty meaningful symbolism to me.  haha.  Shall talk abit about some of them.

1. 梁山伯与茱丽叶 - Ok, damn hard to type in chinese.  Shall not.  =)

Clement and Choyting sang this song during Stagewerkz 2007.  We were in LT68E helping them to practice, and Choy was having a little problem getting the harmony, haha.

2. All out of Love - Olivia

I can't recall when's the 1st time I heard the song, but I vividly remember Clement and Matthew singing this during one of the mass dance practices in Red Camp 4.  Cheryl and I performed this in the atrium of NP during Alumni's opening too.

3. The Call - Regina Spektor

Watched Narnia, and Sam and Hueichin were so hysterical over the boys in the movie, highly amusing.  I thought the song was really nice.  Thereafter, Elvis chose this song for USC FOP 2008 video.  Then Alex got me the OST a month or so ago.  haha.

4. 不能说的秘密 - Jay Chou

Dingren sang this for Stagewerkz 2007, and won the competition too.  Remember singing this song like mad with Clement in NP (LT51a or b) when we were helping Choy prepare for her competition.  And of course watching the show "Secret" with the guys.  I think at Cathay Cineleisure, the ex-Neoprint level.

5. 我一直都在 - two chinese girls, lol

This song's taken off the OST to HanaKimi (I think), and I was watching the serial online when I was in Chengdu, China for my attachment on 2007.  Listened to this song alot when I was roaming the streets over there.

6. Almost Lover - A Fine Frenzy

Junwei sent me the whole album by them (oops), and I thought this was a very meaningful song, then I realized that Sam liked this song too!  I think Sam and I started to share music thereafter, haha.

7. 一眼瞬间 - Ah Mei and some chinese dude

Ah.  Disastrous song.  Sang with Choy at student plaza awhile ago.  Totally horrible.  haha.  First heard this song at Yi Fang's place, when Jenn told me it's a very nice song.  Sang it with Jenn at Cash Studios numerous times.  Haha, also sang it with Cheryl.  A super-hard-to-sing-if-don't-minus-key-song.

8. 瞳をとじて- Some jap dude

Some guy from Celine Jessandra Music School sang this song in Stagewerkz 2007, and Clement decided to kope their -1 version.  He actually practiced this song quite abit, and sounds pretty good singing it.  In the morning prior to Mobbers@Orchard, he was serenading the SLs with his rendition of this song in the atrium, haha.

9. Christmas Song - Alvin and the Chipmunks

Watched the movie with Apache people after Red Camp 4, and the stupid song got stuck in my head.  Then keann had to go buy to album.  haha.  This song reminds me a lot of the times when Azizah, Shafik, Keann and I hung out, eating Long John Silver and all, while planning for Apache Camp last Dec.

10. 菊花台 - Jay Chou

Ok.  This stupid song.  I wish I never sang it.  Caused me SO much trauma thereafter.  haha.  It's like after every event, some silly dude (read: mainly alex) will just shout, "Marvin 菊花台!" As though my name is synonymous with that chrysanthemum song.  grrrr.

Alright, shall study.   Hopefully my next blog entry aint 3 months later again.   =)

- Marvin

Sunday, August 03, 2008

Moving In

I've officially moved into NUS, thus beginning a new phase of my life. Alex and Hueichin helped me to shift some stuff in, haven't fully unpacked yet though. =)

Feeling the typical mixed kinda feelings. Well certainly I'm quite excited about living alone and doing new things, but I guess it's inevitable that I'm worried about the unknown. Oh well, enough of emo talk, heh. While Alex and Hueichin were here, we played around with photobooth, haha. So passe rite? Here are some of the pics we took.

Thank you guys for accompanying me! Really appreciate it. alriteeee, gonna go surf and stuff. Have an enjoyable week to come. =)

- Marvin